90 Second Project Preview

90 Second Project Preview

This video shows the work I did in my first three years in the current project I am working in. The project is called museum4punkt0 and stands for digital cultural education. The network links cultural institutions from all over Germany. Across institutional boundaries and disciplines, we develop digital offers for new ways of learning, experiencing and participating in museums. In practical tests, we show what digital mediation means for the structures of the museums. We share the knowledge, experience and project results pooled in the network with the entire cultural landscape: together on the path to digitality. If you want to find out more about the project you can follow this link here

The thought behind this video was to create a loopable video which can be shown during presentations. The main criteria for the video was to be no longer than 90 seconds. With this criteria in mind I produced this whole movie within one week - I also was the actor behind the mask!

To find out more about my current job and the progress I am working at feel free to also visit the blog I am maintaining. You can find the link here

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